Just Thursday Bloghop ~ What do you like about Winter?

For this week’s bloghop, Mara is asking us «What do you like about Winter?»

To me, Winter means Snow. No snow, no winter. I love the freshly fallen, powdery snow, when it’s about 10 below! However, I don’t like the slushy, dirty type you get in late March/April.

Always loved that special winter light in the late afternoon, but even more so since I started taking photos. It’s something so special about it — even the emerald green of the Mallard’s head gets a different shade.

qc2007:08If I had to shovel, perhaps I’d love Winter a little less. Ahh … the convenience of apartment living! 🙂 I will never forget the Winter of 2007/08, when we were still living in Quebec. I’ve never seen that much snow in my whole life. It started to snow some time in October, and it just never stopped.

Here, a little selection of pictures to illustrate why I love Winter!

What do you like about Winter? Write a blog about it, and post a link in the comments. Check out the others too, perhaps we can get this bloghop going. Next week I’ll be hosting and then Myfanwy over at Nuvofelt.

33 thoughts on “Just Thursday Bloghop ~ What do you like about Winter?

  1. I love your winter photos Rebekah, they bring back good memories of when I lived in the UK, and I miss it.
    Our winters (if you can call them that!) in Queensland are warm and sunny with cool nights; it never gets below freezing, so no snow. My winter photos look like summer!

  2. The other day on Joss’ blog, the phenomenon of “Snowbirds” travelling South was being discussed and the question was asked: “Is anyone left in Canada?” To which I replied, “Yes, there are lots of us still here (thanks for asking; ) and, on a perfectly gorgeous blue and white (sunny sky and diamond snow) day like today, makes me glad to be alive!”
    To me, nothing is more gorgeous than snowflake diamonds of sunlight sparkling on the snow. Love the moody, “Black & White” contrast of taking photos on certain days in Winter! Love having a camera as an excuse to get outside and soak up the overwhelming beauty and a little Vitamin D while I’m at it!

    1. Yes! You put it so beautifully! I took a photo of a cemetery today, and it could just as well have been shot in b/w!

      I feel the same way, and if we didn’t have this, I don’t think I would appreciate the other seasons as much. The older I get, the less I appreciate summer, but that’s just because of the heat/humidity! Last summer was fine!

  3. And your photos are, as always, totally gorgeous Bekah – ‘specially the Spruce tip! Snow melting – making its escape – only to be recaptured as a frozen droplet…

    1. Thank you! 🙂 We’ve had a magnificent cold spell here, and the icicles are terrific! The ice on Lily Lake is beautiful, but now I hear we’re going to get some messy weather, with rain, on Sunday night…

      1. Yes, we’ve got a system inbound right now – the barometer’s been dropping like a rock and the bell on the garden shed has been ringing for weather since this afternoon):

          1. Yes, that would make sense; the temps have come up, just like the last one that dumped on us (a couple of times, before it was done):

  4. Gorgeous photos, I love it too. We don’t get much but every now and then when we do I like to act snowbound and cook and stay cozy inside.

    1. Yes, it’s so nice to stay inside while there’s a snowstorm roaring, and then it gets so beautiful afterwards..

  5. Ten below? You realise you don’t need more than one or two below to keep the snow from thawing… I hate this much cold; but I love watching winter photos, particularly yours, which are excellent. All of them, I couldn’t possibly choose a favourite.

    1. LOL! I forgot how much you hate the cold! 🙂 We had -29ºC the other day, but I wasn’t out that day.

      Thank you, about the pictures..

  6. I was born on Xmas Eve so each year the celebration coincided with snow…I loved Winter because my Birthday would arrive soon after the snow started, lol. Also I love Chanukkah & it is much better with snow…a true Canadian Jewish girl, lol.
    Now I love Winter for the peacefullness I feel when it snows. Especially when the town shuts down due to lots of snow.It feels so insulated & cozy. I know most people think me crazy but that is how I feel.
    granted shovelling snow 3-4 times a day loses its appeal after the 2nd time & my body can’t handle the workload as well but I DO love standing outside listened to the quiet around me 😉
    Sherri-Ellen & ‘Purrince’ Siddhartha who is not sure what to make of Winter (his 1st one).

  7. Love your photos!! 🙂

    What do I like about winter? Well that the temperature inside is so nice! As you know my appartment gets way too hot in the summer…

    I do like the nice crisp air – when it is not too cold!

  8. I loved about Winter that I was born on it 🙂 The snow, the cold sensation that can only be removed by gloves, scarf and love in the sofa… and now your photos too!

  9. I love snow shoeing, cross country skiing, seeing new snow on the ground and taking photos before others tramp on it. I love when the air is crisp, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.

  10. What happened with the blog hop? I were looking on what YOU were going to come up with last Thursday…

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