The Changing Seasons [182/365]

It’s the last day of June, and where did it go? Where does time go anyway?! The eternal question — it just flows by, like water in a river, and we can never get it back. Here, at least I have some photographic memories of June 2016. Mostly little flowers. That’s what I like to take pictures of; ducks and little flowers 🙂

This post is part of Cardinal Guzman’s photo challenge; “The changing seasons”.

20 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons [182/365]

  1. You’ve captured June very nicely. I find living where there is little change in temperature plays tricks with my mind and I never really know what month it is.

  2. Like the photos – they go well together. 🙂

    I remember reading once that the Greeks believed that we are looking backwards, seeing time disappear like someone sitting in a chair, looking back, while hurtling into future.

    1. Thank you for your kind words 🙂

      That’s an interesting thought the Greeks had … but then again, “time” is always a mind twisting subject.

  3. That’s a great set of pictures! It always puts me to shame to see what others come up with for the challenge. My favourite is the grass in the first picture. Your buttercup turned out well too; I tried taking a picture of a buttercup two days ago but I never got a sharp one. I was thinking there might be something about the colour and/or texture of the flower that it’s so difficult to shoot. When you’re getting bad pics, blame the subject 😉

    1. Thank you! 🙂
      One can set the exposure compensation to a negative value like -0.7 when it’s bright. My problem is to make them stand still LOL. I have a strange affection for that type of grass … something about the colours, I think.
      I often feel discouraged when I look at some other people’s photos, but what the heck — it is what it is.

  4. What lovely photos to remind you of this wonderful month we have had. June zipped by so quickly for me also. It seems all the months zip by! sighs
    (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen

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