The Changing Seasons [182/365]

It’s the last day of June, and where did it go? Where does time go anyway?! The eternal question — it just flows by, like water in a river, and we can never get it back. Here, at least I have some photographic memories of June 2016. Mostly little flowers. That’s what I like to take pictures of; ducks and little flowers 🙂

This post is part of Cardinal Guzman’s photo challenge; “The changing seasons”.

The Changing Seasons – May 2016 [142/365]

What a difference a month makes. So much more fun to get out and take pictures! Colours are returning, although it’s been slow this year, and new life too. Here are my pictures for Cardinal Guzman’s Changing Season-challenge.

Changing Seasons ~ April 2016 [117/365]

April’s instalment for The Changing Seasons 2016 challenge. A little bit has changed since March — there’s no snow. There’s just a slight hint of green in the brown grass, if you look closely. The deer are still around, because they get so much good food in the park. One wigeon couple is back in the duck pond, and all the cormorants are back at the Reversing Falls. Found those red buds on a tree today, I don’t know what kind of tree, but they looked pretty.

The water levels in the rivers are a little higher than they are normally, but wasn’t any big spring thaw, so no risk for flooding this year. We had one day of reasonably warm weather, but when I woke up yesterday morning, it was five degrees below freezing!

Changing Seasons ~ March 2016 [88/365]

Here’s the third instalment of The Changing Seasons project. March 2016. Not so much has changed. For a while, we had no snow, then we got some, and that is still in place, in spite of the rainstorm the other day.

I don’t know if the little sparrow is an American Tree Sparrow or Song Sparrow, but I heard someone singing its heart out … looked up, and shot that picture. There was still a very thin, sheet of ice on Lily Lake yesterday. A group of deer showed up. We’ll see less of them now, as the Spring progresses.

Changing Seasons ~ February 2016

Last year, when I tried to take part in the Changing Seasons challenge, I think I got fed up, because one month it was snow, next, more snow and so on. That’s not the case this year. There’s hardly any snow at all, except in shady spots. The lakes are still frozen over, but we have rain and warm weather coming on Wednesday so … I’d say winter’s pretty much over.

This also happens to coincide with WP Weekly, Seasons.

The Changing Seasons: January 2016 [23/365]

This year, I’m taking part in Cardinal Guzman’s «The Changing Seasons 2016». One gallery, or a single photo at the end of each month. Here you can read about the rules.

I took mine yesterday, in Rockwood Park. That’s where all my pictures for this challenge will be shot. Please, click on a picture to bring them up to size.

Changing Seasons blog event 2016

My blogging buddy, Cardinal Guzman, will continue the Changing Seasons event in 2016 and this time I will take part. Failed miserably last year, even though I was so enthusiastic in the beginning. If I can blame it on anything else but myself, it got to be last winter! It was really something else, and I didn’t live up to the challenge. Rockwood Park, which was my chosen subject for the event, looked the same each time I got there: snow, snow … more snow. That in itself presented more of a challenge to me … to take different photos of all the snow, but I got fed up and quit. Normally, I’m not a quitter, so this time I’m looking forward to it.

You choose a place near you, shoot 1 to 20 pictures of it, around the last of every month for a year. The Cardinal has written up a good introduction here. It is now also listed in WordPress’ blogging events, which will attract more partakers.